Cinemini: Konijn en hert
Cinemini: Konijn en hert
Cinemini opens especially for toddlers, preschoolers and their parents. Children between 2 and 6 years old can watch animation films (30') and play with lightboxes afterwards (30'), with their parents within reach.
In this edition: four short movies and the Hungarian film Rabbit and Deer.
Achter de kast (Persijn Broersen & Margit Lukacs, NL 2005)
If you go behind the closet... you float in a fairytale forest. A forest with moss on the ground, squirrels, and lampposts. Sometimes it snows in the woods. Other times, it's a little scary in the woods. It is dark, the moon is shining and red mushrooms are sprouting from the ground. If you listen can hear wolves howling. And finally, you become happy in the woods.
Dingen (Femke Schaap, NL 2005)
All those things. A teapot, a clog, a football. A melon, a toy horse, a guitar. What thing fits in the black shadow?
Ik de jouwe, jij de mijne (Silvie Zijlmans, NL 2005)
A boy of colour laughs. He looks at the other boy who is very blond. Very slowly their heads move towards each other. Slowly the light colour of the blond boy slides onto the other boy's nose and cheeks, and vice versa.
Sally (Luna Maurer & Roel Wouters, NL 2005)
The room is white; the floor, the walls, the ceiling. All white squares. You can't see how big it is there. Could you walk around in it? A marble rolls in. He dances and turns and moves to the back corner.
Rabbit and Deer (Péter Vácz, HU 2013)
Deer is a dreamer who Thinks Big: he wants to find a formula to lift the one-dimensional cartoon world in which he and Rabbit live into the third dimension. Rabbit is left behind alone and bewildered… This Hungarian animation film won international awards.
This is part of
60 min.
Event language
Part of
Eye’s finest and most intimate film theatre is a great place for children aged 2 to 6 to experience their first cinema visit. Every Sunday morning, Eye’s Cinemini opens especially for preschoolers and their (grand)parents, where children are treated to a film, followed by experiments with light and shadow in small play tents.
Planning on having a drink or a bite to eat? Book online for Eye Bar Restaurant.
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