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Researchlabs sandberg moodkeep

Eye on Art Research Labs: Sandberg Institute "Catalogue"

Eye on Art's Research Labs provide scope for a new generation of curators and artists to hone their skills. Students from different art academies and universities are asked to put together a programme featuring their own work and films (including remixes) from Eye’s collection. Research Labs do not follow a strict format and often result in a cultural crossover between film and other art forms.

Researchlabs sandberg wyattniehaus fruitstilleven inventaris nummer 50 alias still original

The best-curated programme and the best work will be awarded by a student jury and a jury of Eye film professionals.


Catalogue examines the state of the archive through new video works. The programme we compiled confronts the audience with history and the ways in which the archive as a principle seeks to create a cohesive whole out of fragmentary cultural projects. The works included in the program reference histories and cultural details underlying the images displayed, working from narratives and reference points that are located elsewhere. These works take varying approaches to dealing with the documents, objects or narratives – from directly referential analyses to more circuitous illustrations of how historical elements evolve and mutate into something meaningful in our contemporary moment.The Catalogue screening program organized by students and faculty of the Sandberg Instituut features a broad cross-section of practices and methodologies aimed at problematizing the linear and unified narratives of history while also revealing their influence on our day-to-day relationship with cultural, political, and social images and objects. The works screened form a relationship with one another through their strategies and the topics addressed. As a cumulative body of work, they begin to etch out new possibilities for dealing with complex and disparate histories that could operate outside of the traditional institutional concept of the archive.

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Eye on Art

Eye on Art is een programmareeks op het raakvlak van film en andere kunsten. Eye on Art sluit aan bij de actualiteit, met voorstellingen rond hedendaagse kunstenaars en programma’s bij belangrijke tentoonstellingen, manifestaties en Eye-activiteiten.

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