Framing Traces // Research Presentations 2
The Artistic Research Week of the Master of Film takes place from 23 - 28 June at EYE and Grootlab. This year's graduates will present the process and outcomes of their research. They are filmmakers and visual artists from all over the world, working with film. Grouped under the theme of Framing Traces, these 11 graduates will be sharing their cinematic explorations into memory, ethics, family structures and loneliness.

Kristina Daurova, Documentary Movement: working with private documents through the body, research presentation & film screening
Kristina Daurova will elaborate on her research into what she calls “documentary movement”. How can you awake the physical memory and reach an authentic inner movement? And how can you construct cinematographic conditions for that? Kristina will also screen her short film Listen to the grass growing.
Jad Youssef, Deluge, film screening
Secrecy molds the morbid drifting of Hatem, a man who works in privacy and lives his life accordingly. Hatem hides more than he tells, clouding himself in a reclusive state of introspection.

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