Framing Traces // Research Presentations 4
The Artistic Research Week of the Master of Film takes place from 23 - 28 June at EYE and Grootlab. This year's graduates will present the process and outcomes of their research. They are filmmakers and visual artists from all over the world, working with film. Grouped under the theme of Framing Traces, these 11 graduates will be sharing their cinematic explorations into memory, ethics, family structures and loneliness.

Maria Molina”s presentation will be on Sunday 25 June in a combined programme with a panel discussion on “memory in cinema”.
In its infancy cinema was praised as 'A New Source of History', objective evidence of the past events. After more than a century of growing suspicion towards absolute truths, we're now prone to reading his stories and her stories in histories and seeing the film as a new source of memory. Memory - a framed trace we don't fully trust, yet fear to lose, source of what we make, what we see and who we are, matter we choose to forget in order to move on.
María Molina Peiró, The Vertical Horizon - the Fear of Forgetting in the Digital Age, research presentation
María Molina invites you into her research journey about the fear of forgetting in the Digital Age. She will illustrate the most relevant questions of her research using three of her projects: One Year Life Strata, Digital Trauma and The Refuge.

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