Keep an Eye IP // Research Presentations 2
The Artistic Research Week of the Master of Film takes place from 22-27 June. Eight graduates will present the process and outcomes of their artistic research. Coming from all over the world, these filmmakers and visual artists researched the archive, the parameters of cinema, the value of play and the politics of everyday relations.
Áron Birtalan
Lecture: The Critical Escape
In this talk Áron Birtalan will introduce you to the practice of Transformation Games, exploring its historical origins, its methodology, and its future as an autonomous form of art. Áron Birtalan will touch upon topics like the political agency of playing and the potential of playfulness for social transformation. This talk is also Áron Birtalan”s public launch of the upcoming two-year research project, leading to the publication “What is Within?”.
Sabina Mikelic
Research Presentation: Beyond the research / Beyond the Choir
Sabina Mikelic will introduce you to her art practise and research, which is titled Filming Beyond. As part of this research she filmed Beyond the Choir, a project in which the members of a male choir from the Island of Rab (Croatia) individually brought her to a special place on the island. Sabina Mikelic takes the spectators on a journey back to these places.
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