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Leiden University: Walking

Eye on Art's Research Labs provide scope for a new generation of curators and artists to hone their skills. Students from different art academies and universities are asked to put together a programme featuring their own work and films (including remixes) from Eye’s collection. Research Labs do not follow a strict format and often result in a cultural crossover between film and other art forms. Today: Walking by Leiden University.

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While walking, the subject embodies transformations and the spaces determine auditory, visual, tactile experiences and perceptions. For example, ideas can elaborate, relationships can bound, identities within oneself and the space through which one walks can be found and walking can be labour, too. As a repetitive act examined from a closer lens walking holds within itself great value and is not something static but dependent on the space in which the movement takes place.

These circumstances define how space is being recognized and how the movement of walking shifts which consequently has an impact on how the body perceives itself. However, identities determine how space is walked through and experienced. Therefore, walking carries privilege and is not neutral.

perpetual motion

By reflecting on walking as a repetitive movement, as part of a physical and psychological act to mediate and to rehearse, the program resonates with the ongoing exhibition on Francis Alÿs pieces Children”s Games that is held at Eye Filmmuseum until March 2020. However, through an Instagram account created for the exhibition on Walking only, the program aims to react on contemporary questions of exhibiting in a filmmuseum, of authorship as both filmmaker and curator, of recording formats used by filmmakers as well as the position of the visitor within an exhibition.

Walking as a perpetual motion that includes transforming forces as shown above is therefore of great value for a film exhibition. The exhibition in a screening room the embodied visitors” desire to walk and to experience walking while paying more attention to it shall be awaken through this program.

different angles

The one hour program represented by students of the ongoing master”s course Curating Film and Video at Leiden University will present a variety of short, diverse films which approach walking from different angles.

The best curated programme and the best work will be awarded by a student jury and an Eye jury.

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Eye on Art

Eye on Art is een programmareeks op het raakvlak van film en andere kunsten. Eye on Art sluit aan bij de actualiteit, met voorstellingen rond hedendaagse kunstenaars en programma’s bij belangrijke tentoonstellingen, manifestaties en Eye-activiteiten.

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