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Rietveld Academie: Whatever colour you have in your mind

Eye on Art's Research Labs provide scope for a new generation of curators and artists to hone their skills. Students from different art academies and universities are asked to put together a programme featuring their own work and films (including remixes) from Eye’s collection. Research Labs do not follow a strict format and often result in a cultural crossover between film and other art forms. Today: Whatever colour you have in your mind by Rietveld Academie.

Poster 3

The theme of this year”s Research Lab contribution by the VAV - Moving Image Department of the Gerrit Rietveld Academie is “Whatever colour you have in your mind' (Bob Dylan), a theme linked to the Studium Generale of 2020 titled, Relating to Colour; the affect and agency of colour in our daily lives and artistic practices.


A range of key words connected to this theme will be tackled by our students emerging into a broad range of “black-box-works”. As a starting point in trying to approach colour with all our senses, visual, sensual, textual, audible and political, the students will drift through all sorts of coloured realms that surround us in our everyday life, be it multi coloured or the more grey-some zones of twilight where colour merges into the shadows of the night.

colour pencil

Thinking colour is seeing colour in all dimensions. Even a simple clear line of a colour pencil on white paper can enchant our eyes. In very different ways the participating students investigate the implications of these worlds. And they use all the tools that video and film offer as a vehicle for their imagination.

The best curated programme and the best work will be awarded by a student jury and an Eye jury.

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Eye on Art

Eye on Art is een programmareeks op het raakvlak van film en andere kunsten. Eye on Art sluit aan bij de actualiteit, met voorstellingen rond hedendaagse kunstenaars en programma’s bij belangrijke tentoonstellingen, manifestaties en Eye-activiteiten.

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