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This is Film! #3 Film Projection

Public lecture series devoted to notable projects in the fields of film restoration and film heritage, varying from found footage documentary films to the restoration and presentation of 70mm Hollywood classics. This session will conclude with a screening of The Dying of the Light, a loving tribute to projectionists.

Dyingofthelight flat

Each session will cover a different topic and feature an introductory lecture by Giovanna Fossati (Chief Curator at EYE and Professor of Film Heritage at the UvA), followed by an extended Q&A with an invited (inter)national expert on the theme and a film screening.

The third lecture of the series will address different aspects of film projection under the recent transition from analogue to digital projection in cinemas worldwide. This session will offer any cinema visitor insights into the generally invisible world of the film booth. Fossati has invited former projectionist Leenke Ripmeester to speak about her personal experience with projecting films and its complexities.

The session will conclude with a screening of Peter Flynn”s documentary The Dying of the Light (2015), a loving tribute to the art of cinema and the unseen people responsible for the lights on our screens: the projectionists. As a result of the shift to digital cinema, the knowledge required to handle and project films is at risk. This documentary looks at the history and craft of motion picture presentation through the lives and stories of the last generation of career projectionists.

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This is Film! 2018

Eye en de Universiteit van Amsterdam presenteren This is Film! Film Heritage in Practice, een reeks van zes openbare lezingen gewijd aan opmerkelijke projecten op het gebied van filmrestauratie en cinematografisch erfgoed, variërend van stille cinema compilatieprogramma's tot de restauratie en presentatie van 70mm Hollywood-klassiekers.

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