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This is Film! #5 Silent Cinema

In this session of This Is Film! Film Heritage in Practice, a public series devoted to remarkable projects in the fields of film restoration and film heritage, Giovanna Fossati (Chief Curator at Eye and Professor Film Heritage at the UvA) will talk with Elif Rongen Kaynakçi (Silent Film Curator at Eye Filmmuseum) about the restoration and presentation of Silent Cinema. The session includes a film program curated by Rongen Kaynakçi based on the Views of the Ottoman Empire project holding titles from various international film archives.

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The Views of the Ottoman Empire project brings together a transnational community of archivists, historians and other specialists exploring the audio-visual cultural heritage from the former Ottoman territories.

everyday life captured on film

In its last century of existence, the Ottoman Empire became the stage of numerous conflicts until its dissolution in 1923. Following the arrival of cinematography in 1895, everyday life in the Ottoman territory was recorded on camera and shown in newsreels around the world.

live musical accompaniment

Silent Film Curator Elif Rongen Kaynakçi has compiled a program of silent films shot in the former Ottoman territories from different international film archives and will present them with live musical accompaniment. Between each film, Rongen Kaynakçi will contextualise the scenes and bring to life the historical backdrop of these images. With live music by Oğuz Büyükberber.

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This is Film! 2019

Eye en de Universiteit van Amsterdam presenteren This is Film! Film Heritage in Practice, een reeks van zes openbare lezingen gewijd aan opmerkelijke projecten op het gebied van filmrestauratie en cinematografisch erfgoed, variërend van stille cinema compilatieprogramma's tot de restauratie en presentatie van 70mm Hollywood-klassiekers.

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campagnebeeld This is Film! Film Heritage in Practice 2019
Gekleurde kijkjes uit de geheele wereld 03
Kalabaka fo0347821
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    Albert Serra


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