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This is Film! #6 Digital Film Restoration

In the sixth and final session of This Is Film! Film Heritage in Practice, a public series devoted to remarkable projects in the fields of film restoration and film heritage, Giovanna Fossati (Chief Curator at Eye and Professor Film Heritage at the UvA) will delve into the topic of Digital Film Restoration with Francesca Hecht (Restoration & Project Coordinator Wim Wenders Foundation) and Laura Holtorf (Managing Director of the Wim Wenders Foundation). The session will conclude with a screening of Der Himmel über Berlin/Wings of Desire (1987).

Poster der himmel uber berlin eye filmmuseum

In this session, we will discuss the processes of digital restoration at the Wim Wenders Foundation. More specifically, we will address the complexities of restoring Der Himmel über Berlin/Wings of Desire (1987), focusing on the challenges posed by the film”s multiple transitions between black-and-white and colour scenes.

30th anniversary

This new restoration was released in 4K by the Wim Wenders Foundation for the 30th anniversary of the film in 2018.

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This is Film! 2019

Eye en de Universiteit van Amsterdam presenteren This is Film! Film Heritage in Practice, een reeks van zes openbare lezingen gewijd aan opmerkelijke projecten op het gebied van filmrestauratie en cinematografisch erfgoed, variërend van stille cinema compilatieprogramma's tot de restauratie en presentatie van 70mm Hollywood-klassiekers.

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