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IDFA2024 The Daughter of Both Women 1

Youth 13+: Too Pretty to Break

IDFA2024: Youth 13+: Too Pretty to Break

In Somewhere to Be wordt Sara's account en identiteit online gewist. My Homeland is een cyborg-anime die helden viert die moeten vluchten. The Daughter of Both Women is een visueel tienerdagboek over het haten van je moeder. Simply Divine vertelt het liefdesverhaal van degene die je nooit kunt vergeten.

poster IDFA 2024
Vier films voor 13+.


  • IDFA2024 Somewhere to Be

    Somewhere to Be

    Somewhere to Be shows Sara on a hiking trip with her friends in Iran. Hanging out, posting pictures, having fun. But the group of friends slowly disappears. One by one, they leave Iran. And their online accounts vanish too: deleted by the Iranian regime. All evidence of them ever having existed is removed. How can Sara show anyone who she used to be?

  • IDFA2024 My Homeland 1

    My Homeland

    My Homeland is an original take on the narrative of having to flee your country. In this anime, humans are replaced by cyborgs; this change of perspective allows us to experience the story as an action hero film that celebrates the courage of these heroes.

  • IDFA2024 The Daughter of Both Women 3

    The Daughter of Both Women

    “I hate my mom,” is the first thing Iona says in The Daughter of Both Women. We get to experience her teen life through her teen diary and old home videos. The diary is read out to us in short, intense sentences. Iona has lots of questions, but none of them seem to get answered.

  • IDFA2024 Simply Divine 1

    Simply Divine

    Simply Divine is a love story about a young couple who meet, fall in love and have to part soon after. How long would you wait for the one that got away?

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99 min.



Onderdeel van

IDFA 2024

Het International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (IDFA) brengt ook dit jaar weer van 14 tot en met 24 november een spannende selectie van 's werelds beste documentaires naar Eye.

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campagnebeeld IDFA 2024
IDFA2024 My Homeland 3
IDFA2024 Simply Divine 2
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    Nuri Bilge Ceylan

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