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Still Wander Around

New Eye Selected Artist's Moving Image

Eye on Art

New work by Dutch artists and experimental filmmakers that was recently added to Eye’s collection. The program includes short films by filmmakers and artist’s like PolakVanBekkum, Pilar Falco and Iztok Klančar, both emerging artists and established names. Most of the filmmakers featured in the program will be present for a Q&A.

Poster Eye on Art algemeen

The new collection films are distributed by Eye and are also screened at international festivals. The selection highlights recent trends in the artist’s film and the short experimental film.


  • Remembering the Nights In Safe Haven (Iztok Klančar, NL 2020) 22’

    A drag performer rendez-vous with their many personalities during the after hours. A man is taken over by his surrogate lover, made of textile. Two brothers dance in an empty nightclub. Remembering the Nights in Safe Haven is a short film in three parts. The starting point of this project is the sudden loss of nightlife due to the Covid-19 pandemic and its detrimental effect on the social fabric of queer people. The film addresses this loss by means of fantasy scenes, combined with performances and activities that would have taken place if nightlife was still alive. These fictitious events suggest a mental state of suddenly having to adapt to our new reality.

  • Kinked (Feline Hjermind, NL 2020) 5’

    Kinked is a visual research into the aesthetics of the pleasure industry. A video that seeks to "kink"-bend, warp, curve and twist-familiar images of seduction and desire. In Kinked pornographic tropes like the blonde, white Camgirl and the domesticated body are imitated, recontextualised and lovingly ruptured. The video is executed as a mix between found footage, computer-generated images, traditional animation and recordings by the director. The many moving images form a visual vocabulary, moving towards a new sensual semantics.

  • Breath to Breath (Miloushka Bokma, NL 2019) 5’

    Memories are experiences reflected in someone's face, glance or posture. They are signals, as elusive traces in the body: manifest or suppressed. Examining the language of the body in relation to its environment. In this videowork I show situations of human ability and inability to cope with his own history are shown. Loss, mourning, saying goodbye, rediscover yourself and connectedness are recurring themes.

  • Lost on Arrival (PolakVanBekkum, NL 2020) 8’

    After retiring a man wants to return to the Caribbean island of Curaçao where he spent his working live. The preparations are going well: he sells his house and all his possessions are put into boxes. But then his health fails him. Dementia affects his memory. Except for the opening scene, all we see is the view from a tropical veranda. At the same time we hear the man having telephone conversations with his son, in which he gradually acknowledges that he is losing his grip on reality.

  • Wander Around (Pilar Falco, 2020) 9’

    A space-time traveller traverses dimensions of matter and energy, crossing parallel, unique realities. A dream trip through her memories, nightmares and fantasies. Novel or reality? Nothing is static, nothing is permanent. Everything disintegrates. The film was developed, buried, painted and scratched by hand. Mounted analogically and subsequently digitized.

This is part of


Production year



81 min.



Part of

Eye on Art

Eye on Art is a programme on the intersection between film and other arts. Eye on Art keeps up with current events, with presentations on contemporary artists and programmes that coincide with important exhibitions, manifestations and Eye activities.

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still #59 (Joost Rekveld, 2023)

Why in Eye

A get-together with familiar and new makers in this show featuring unearthed analogue film material and kinky computer-generated footage.

Anna Abrahams
programmeur Eye

Still Breath To Breath
Still Iztokk Remembering 1

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  • 18 January — 1 June 2025

    Nuri Bilge Ceylan

    Inner Landscapes

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