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still Les yeux sans visage (Eyes without A Face) (Georges Franju, FR 1960)

Eye Horror Marathon

Eye Horror Marathon

To mark 75 years of Eye, Koolhoven & Simons present a night-long marathon of sophisticated horror films about eyes: the Eye Horror Marathon with back-to-back Eyes Without a Face (DCP), Eyes in the Labyrinth (35mm), Eyes of Laura Mars (35mm) plus the 4K restoration of The Hills Have Eyes (DCP).

poster Koolhoven & Simons: Eye Horror Marathon
Martin Koolhoven: “Wow. Ronald Simons and I have done a lot of things in Eye, but never a film marathon before. And what a marathon! Starting with a French body horror classic (Eyes Without a Face), then a great giallo from Italy (Eye in the Labyrinth), followed by Faye Dunaway’s chilling visions of what a serial killer has been up to (Eyes of Laura Mars), based on a script by John Carpenter, and finally Wes Craven’s cult classic about a family of cannibals (The Hills Have Eyes). All woven together by Ronald and me with chat and clips focusing on eyes. A real feast for all film-lovers. We’ll sleep when we’re dead!”

This is part of


Persons under 16 years must be accompanied by an adult


419 min.

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Martin Koolhoven & Ronald Simons

Part of

Koolhoven & Simons

Every month, Koolhoven and Simons will be scrutinizing the genre film, presenting films within pretty forthright themes that have never before been screened at Eye. Expect evenings on Trucker, Grindhouse or Revenge of Nature films. A tribute to rarely screened trailers and forgotten classics, where possible in 35mm, using films from Eye’s collection.

Learn more
campaign image Martin Koolhoven & Ronald Simons
still Eyes of Laura Mars (Irvin Kershner, US 1978)
still The Hills Have Eyes (Wes Craven, US 1977)

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Current exhibition

  • 18 January — 1 June 2025

    Nuri Bilge Ceylan

    Inner Landscapes

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