Keep an Eye IP // Research Presentations 3
The Artistic Research Week of the Master of Film takes place from 22-27 June. Eight graduates will present the process and outcomes of their artistic research. Coming from all over the world, these filmmakers and visual artists researched the archive, the parameters of cinema, the value of play and the politics of everyday relations.
Diego Arias
Research Presentation: Milk the farmer, drink the cow
“Let”s talk about those voices in your head and how they can make you a better storyteller, man. Also, I am going to ask you a favour.” In this presentation Diego Arias Asch shares his research into storytelling, for which he developed a method based on changing and switching perspectives. He will also reveal sketches of his animation film in which he puts this method into practice. “The surprise” has been a driving force in developing his film and this presentation, as it might take an unexpected turn.
Ana Bravo-Pérez
Research presentation: Crossing the Atlantic Ocean to Cry, a Tactile Decolonial Manifesto.
In 2016, Ana Bravo-Perez crossed the Atlantic Ocean with her personal archive of film reels and hard drives, an archive of accumulated film material gathered after leaving her home country, Colombia, migrating several times over the course of ten years.
When applying to the Master Film in Amsterdam her intention was to open up this archive in order to face the colonial past of her country and herself. Undertaking this “decolonizing journey”, continuously questioning colonial canons, was a path towards healing for herself.
In this presentation Ana will use the footage from her archive to take you along on her journeys. Trips that have been part of her continuous search for the unknown and unseen, from Abya Yala to Aotearoa, from Celluloid to Ceramics and from Porcelain to Gold.
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