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Become a friend of Eye &

As a Friend, you enjoy great discounts and many benefits, such as exclusive events, a look behind the scenes, and tours of the collections. Moreover, you contribute to the preservation of Dutch film heritage and the development of new perspectives, voices and generations of filmmakers.

With your contribution, you support all our initiatives. Read more about the different friendship levels and how you can support us.


Friend (€50 per year)

Friend Plus (€ 75 per year)

Gift membership

“As a museum of film, Eye dares to push the boundaries and offers visual artists a platform. Eye is not only a museum and cinema, but also the ideal place to connect people from all kinds of areas of interest.”

Lih-Lan, Eye Society Friend

guest registration for Eye Society members during a festive opening
guest registration for Eye Society members during a festive opening
Eye Society gathering in the Arena
Eye Society gathering in the Arena