The Wall: Crossing Borders
The wall between Mexico and the US, the Israel-Gaza strip barrier, the Berlin Wall and the Chinese Wall: they are iconic symbols of oppression and the fear of the other.
The Wall explores the meaning of borders and the tangible consequences for anyone having or wanting to pass them. The programme includes short films by Josh Begley (Fields of Vision, based on Google Maps), Hamza Halloubi”s A Letter to Aura (2012) and The Lovers: Great Wall Walk (Abramovic/Ulay, 1988). In collaboration with Nathanja van Dijk (director A Tale of a Tub).
This screening is followed by the feature-length documentary El mar la mar (2017) by Joshua Bonnetta & JP Sniadecki, about the scorching desert route migrants take to get to the United States. You can buy a combi-ticket for 15 euro with this link.
Screened as part of the film programme accompanying Alejandro González Iñárritu”s ground-breaking VR installation CARNE y ARENA, presented by the Eye Filmmuseum.
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Virtual Reality in Eye
Virtual Reality productions are an increasingly important element of the contemporary film experience. Eye has created Virtual Reality in Eye, a programme that focuses on VR. You’re not confronted with the flat surface of a film screen. You move around virtually in 3D through a designed space that surrounds and immerses you on all sides.
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