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Virtual Reality and the Myth of Total Cinema

Film lecture on the visual language of artistic virtual reality, by William Uricchio.

Naamloos 5

Are cinema and virtual reality fundamentally intertwined? Or are we pushing familiar content into emerging technologies, just as theater once pushed its way onto early film screens? Drawing on deep historical precedent together with VR”s fast changing technological horizon, William Uricchio will explore the uses and abuses of cinema with VR.

William Uricchio is Professor of Comparative Media Studies at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and founder and principal investigator of the MIT Open Documentary Lab.

Before William Uricchi's lecture there will be a short presentation by Dutch studio Demcon-Nymus3D on the creative process involved in the development of the heart of the characters in CARNE y ARENA.

This screening is followed by a screening of Russian Ark (2002, Aleksandr Sokurov). You can buy a combination ticket for 15 euro with this link.

Screened as part of the film programme accompanying Alejandro González Iñárritu”s ground-breaking VR installation CARNE y ARENA, presented by the Eye Filmmuseum.

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Part of

Virtual Reality in Eye

Virtual Reality productions are an increasingly important element of the contemporary film experience. Eye has created Virtual Reality in Eye, a programme that focuses on VR. You’re not confronted with the flat surface of a film screen. You move around virtually in 3D through a designed space that surrounds and immerses you on all sides.

Learn more
Xtended: Angels in Amsterdam in Eye
CARNE y ARENA (Virtually Present, Physically Invisible)
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