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still Orlando, My Political Biography (Paul B. Preciado, FR 2023)

Orlando, My Political Biography

Paul B. Preciado / FR, 2023 / 98 min.

A sparklingly exploration of the trans experience, in which philosopher and trans activist Paul B. Preciado directly addresses Virginia Woolf and her famous fictional character Orlando. On 16 Jan the screening starts with a performance by Belle Dommage and ends with a talk moderated by Lucian Squid with Julius Stahlie, about being Orlando in Amsterdam.

poster Orlando, My Political Biography (Paul B. Preciado, FR 2023)
You can’t ask a dead writer what she thinks of a letter addressed to her posthumously, of course, but Virginia Woolf would surely have been delighted with Paul B. Preciado’s scintillating and erudite discursive film. With a nod to the author’s groundbreaking 1928 novel, the trans activist and philosopher Paul B. Preciado has titled his debut film Orlando, My Political Biography. “I’m alive,” he says, “I came out of your fiction.”

In that imagining, an aristocratic young man changes into a woman overnight. In our society, however, this transition process is a hazardous and painstaking process. Thus, Ruben Rizzi, who has just turned 15, makes the emphatic choice to describe himself as a trans boy, in an acknowledgement of his history. Rizzi is one of the 26 modern-day Orlandos, aged between 8 and 70 and all wearing a white baroque ruff collar, who tell their stories. Preciado is breathtaking in his merging of their testimonies with passages from Woolf’s Orlando.

This visual and philosophical exploration of the transgender experience is simultaneously a rebuttal of binary thinking and a negation of any boundary between documentary and fiction. (IDFA)

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This movie is suitable for all agesThis movie contains foul language


Paul B. Preciado

Production year




Original title

Orlando, My Political Biography


98 min.







Part of

Eye on Art

Eye on Art is a programme on the intersection between film and other arts. Eye on Art keeps up with current events, with presentations on contemporary artists and programmes that coincide with important exhibitions, manifestations and Eye activities.

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still #59 (Joost Rekveld, 2023)

Why in Eye

To compliment the release of the new 4K restoration of Orlando (1992) by Sally Potter, this January the Eye proposes two other films that exist in relation to Virginia Woolf’s gender-bending, time-travelling novel Orlando: A Biography – Freak Orlando by Ulrike Ottinger (1981) and Orlando, My Political Biography by Paul B. Preciado.

still Orlando, My Political Biography (Paul B. Preciado, FR 2023)
still Orlando, My Political Biography (Paul B. Preciado, FR 2023)
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