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Eye Catalogue

Eye manages a collection of more than 54,000 films. Additionally, Eye collects film-related collections: photographs, posters, soundtracks, equipment and paper archives of filmmakers. The Eye catalogue contains information, in Dutch, about these collections.

To access the catalogue, please login with these credentials:

Username: bezoeker
Password: ceguestwelcome

CE is accessible everywhere, but outside Eye, the films and images are protected by copyright. A large part of the digital material can be viewed in the Eye Study. Contact Eye Sales for questions about using the film collection.

Eye catalogue

Find information about our films, photos, posters, soundtracks, and other collections.

Search the Eye collection (in Dutch)

Please note

Records in the catalogue are updated on a daily basis. Nevertheless, it contains omissions and inaccuracies and not all listed films are actually represented in our collection.

The Eye catalogue is updated every second Tuesday of the month. During an update, the database is offline for about two hours. The selections, exports and queries that you have saved will be lost.

For more information:

Inside the Eye Study
© Paul van Riel