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Academy Awards – Dutch Oscar Entry

SEE NL officially coordinates the selection of the Dutch entry for the Oscars in the category International Feature Film and submits it to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in Los Angeles.

still from De Terugreis (Marijn de Wit, NL 2024)

still De Terugreis (Marijn de Wit, NL 2024)

Memory Lane by director Jelle de Jonge is The Netherlands’s Oscar submission for the 97th Academy Awards in the category International Feature Film. The film is written by Marijn de Wit and Jelle de Jonge and is produced by Hazazah Pictures (NL) in coproductie met EO (NL), Umami Media (NL) en Menuetto Film (BE).

Category International Feature Film

Every year, the Dutch Oscar Selection Committee (NOSC) selects a film that will be submitted to the Academy of Motion Pictures, Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) in the US as the Dutch entry for the Academy Awards in the category International Feature Film. SEE NL is the official coordinator of this process.

Beginning of September 2024 the NOSC members participated in an officially notarized written vote to determine which film is to be submitted for the 97th Academy Awards. The NOSC (Contact: consists of representatives from various professional associations and organisations in the Dutch film industry. On the Oscars website you can read the complete 97th Oscars rules here (see Rule Fifteen – Special Rules for the International Feature Film Award) and the Selection Procedure for the 2024 Dutch Oscar Entry is available to read here (in Dutch).

Dutch producers could register their films for selection until August 1.

For more information reach out to or

still from De Terugreis (Marijn de Wit, NL 2024)

still De Terugreis (Marijn de Wit, NL 2024)

still from De Terugreis (Marijn de Wit, NL 2024)

still De Terugreis (Marijn de Wit, NL 2024)

Oscar Qualifying festival Awards

Feature-length documentaries and short films (live action, animation and documentary) that have won an Oscar Qualifying festival Award must be submitted for the Oscars to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) by the producer/creator of the film. SEE NL does not do this. Where possible, SEE NL does offer financial support to films that have been qualified and submitted for the Oscars.

On the Academy’s website, you can find out whether a film has won an award from an Oscar Qualifying festival. Submissions for the Oscars can only be made when a film has won an award listed on the Oscar Qualifying festival lists. Audience awards, special mentions and other awards not mentioned in the regulations are not included.

A film must also meet the Academy's requirements as stated in the Oscar regulations. These regulations and the lists of Oscar Qualifying festivals and awards by category are published on the Oscars website. Here, you can also find all the information on how to submit your film for the Oscars.

Please note
that there are two deadlines for submitting short films (live action, animation and documentary). An August deadline for films that have qualified during the period October-May and an October deadline for films that have qualified between June-September.

The two deadlines for feature-length documentaries differ slightly. An August deadline for documentaries that have qualified in the period January-June and an October deadline for documentaries that have qualified between July-December.

For the specific dates, always check the Oscars website.

If your film has won an Oscar Qualifying festival Award and you are going to submit it to the Oscars, it is important to let SEE NL know as soon as possible. That way, we can include your film in Oscar campaign publicity and promotion from SEE NL in a timely manner and offer financial support where possible.

Please contact us for more information at: or

poster It’s Nice in Here (Robert-Jonathan Koeyers, 2022)
poster It’s Nice in Here (Robert-Jonathan Koeyers, 2022)