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campaign image Research Labs 2022 (VRAcademy)

Research Labs

Eye gives a podium to the newest generation of filmmakers and curators

12 February 2022

Research Labs 2022: St. Joost

Eye Research Labs provide scope for a new generation of curators and artists to hone their skills. Students from different art academies and universities are asked to put together a programme featuring their own work and films from Eye’s collection. Research Labs do not follow a strict format and often result in a cultural crossover between film and other art forms.

In 2022 we celebrate the 10th anniversary of Eye Research Labs. Every year during the time of the Research Labs presentations, Eye is a hub for students of academies and universities who flock to present their own work and view that of others.

Research Labs 2022: Sandberg
Research Labs 2022: Piet Zwart

The academies participating in the Research Labs are Sandberg Institute, Piet Zwart Institute, Rietveld Academie, Leiden University, Royal Academy of Art, University of Amsterdam, VR Academy and Master Institute of Visual Cultures.

Once all the works have been shown, the Cherry Pickers, a group of students from the academies, will award the best programme, the most urgent work, the most surprising work with a Cherry and also will award a Wild Cherry. The Cherries are designed and silkscreened by artist Tibor Dieters.

A performance to accompany Switch during Research Labs 2022
A performance to accompany Switch during Research Labs 2022

Winners 2022

During the festive 10th edition, the Best, Most Urgent and Most Surprising works were awarded by the Cherry Pickers, a group of students from the participating academies.

Read more on the winners
poster Research Labs 2022


still from Cloacinae Serge Onnen & Sverre Fredriksen, NL 2017)
still from Cloacinae Serge Onnen & Sverre Fredriksen, NL 2017)

Eye on Art

Eye on Art is a programme on the intersection between film and other arts. Eye on Art keeps up with current events, with presentations on contemporary artists and programmes that coincide with important exhibitions, manifestations and Eye activities.

More on Eye on Art

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