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Curious (But True)

Roller skating whales on Mars. In film, anything can happen that is impossible in real life. Even though you know it isn’t true, you still laugh, cry or shriek with horror. That’s what the power of film is all about.

© Nadine Maas
© Nadine Maas

Visible and invisible

Pupils watch four striking short films. In one of them, the protagonist is invisible, even though we as viewers know exactly how the main character feels. Another film contains nothing but small black dots, and yet the film makes perfect sense. How is this possible? What makes it happen?

Together with the museum educator the pupils investigate, on the basis of assignments and viewing questions, how filmmakers take them into the story. They discover the impact of camera, music, light, sound and special effects. They become aware of visual language through the assignments given to them by the museum educator.

Essential skill

Schoolchildren are used to watching films and thinking about the story. But what do you see when you look closer? Pupils will learn to look even better on the basis of viewing questions, hands-on assignments and dialogue.


This programme is only available in Dutch.


1 hour and 30 minutes


€ 150 per class

Number of participants

Maximum 60 pupils (2 school groups)

Number of supervisors

Bring 2 supervisors per 30 students. When booking, we always agree the final number with you. Access for supervisors is free

Key objectives

Artistic orientation: 54, 55, 56

For whom

Group 5 and 6

Special needs education

For special needs education groups, we recommend the programme for groups 5-8.
It is also possible to shorten the programme to 75 minutes.

Book programme

Please book at least four weeks in advance of the desired date.
If you have any questions, please contact

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