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Public lecture series

Every year, Eye and the University of Amsterdam present a series of public lectures devoted to notable projects in the field of film restoration and film heritage.

In a series of six lectures, Giovanna Fossati (chief curator at Eye and professor of Film Heritage at UvA) discusses in an accessible manner various recent restoration projects and presentation forms of film heritage, varying from pre-cinema to recent experimental films and Hollywood classics. Besides regular film projections in cinemas, the lectures cover film installations and exhibitions of film and film apparatus. Each lecture includes a film screening, often accompanied by live music, and a guest speaker. In addition, various curators and staff members from Eye contribute to the programme.

This is Film! offers insight into what happens behind the scenes in film archives and museums and is aimed at everybody who loves film. The lectures are in English and can be attended as a series or on a one-off basis. Every year there are new guests and themes.