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Pupils explore film with a filmmaker

In the spotlight: two educational programmes in Eye that allow pupils to actively find out all about the world of film. A director will discuss with them how filmmakers tell their stories through sound and images.

By Tamara Klopper04 January 2024

Film + the Maker and Fact or Fiction? are cinema programmes for school classes in Eye Filmmuseum. Film + the Maker introduces pupils to film analysis. In Fact or Fiction?, they find out that the lines between fact and fiction can be very thin.

What makes these two programmes special is their well-thought-out composition. Film + the Maker is tailored perfectly to what pupils have to know for their final exams in the subject ‘general art’ (Dutch: kua). The Fact or Fiction? programme is an in-depth lesson in the area of cultural and artistic education (Dutch: ckv). Both of these programmes allow pupils to develop skills thanks to a filmmaker giving them insider insights into the filmmaking process, as well as stimulating them to look critically as a group.

Let’s be honest: for pupils, the most interesting thing is to be able to participate in these two programmes in the impressive Eye building. The filmmaker will talk about their own short film, which will be screened on the big screen with super-sharp sound. In Eye, pupils get a learning experience that will stay with them.

Or would it be more convenient in terms of your teaching schedule for the filmmaker to visit the pupils in their own classroom? This is also possible, thanks to the Fact or Fiction? guest lesson.

Film + the Maker

Preparation for kua exams

“Mastering analytical skills is of great importance in relation to the kua final exams”, says Jelle de Vrijer, who works as a teacher and museum educator. “Are you a teacher wanting to make a start in the analysis of art? Kicking off with this cinema-based programme gives you a real head-start, as in the case of film they intuitively understand the material already.”

What’s more, pupils feel involved with what is being discussed as the filmmaker is able to provide first-hand insights by talking from direct experience about what goes on ‘behind the scenes’. They receive confirmation that they are already extremely passionate viewers: they already understand the language of film. At the same time, much of the meaning of films reaches us unconsciously.

What exactly makes a scene moving or exciting? The filmmaker will talk about how the sophisticated creative process works through the combination of camerawork, editing, sound and the screenplay. The pupils will also learn about formulating interpretations of the language of film. In short: Film + the Maker is an appealing, practical lesson in new art appreciation, that makes it easier for teachers to cover film analysis in greater depth in their own teaching practice.

Director Zara Dwinger gives instructions on the set of Yulia & Juliet. If available, it is possible to have Zara talk about this short film within the Film + the Maker programme.

Fact or Fiction: what is truth?

Ckv programme

The Fact or Fiction? programme teaches pupils how a documentary maker draws viewers into an idea. They learn that a documentary is not necessarily only factual. In comparison to Film + the Maker, which is geared more to art films, Fact or Fiction? operates more in the field of media literacy. (One small caveat is that plenty of documentaries can also be seen as art.)

One thing Fact or Fiction? teaches pupils is that it is sometimes not so easy to determine whether they are watching non-fiction or fiction. The programme is geared to giving pupils tools that allow them to get a better handle on this. That what they are seeing cannot simply be accepted as a reflection of reality. Also, filmmakers always have a particular intention when making a film. Jelle: “It’s a win when pupils discover that objective reality doesn’t really exist when it comes to visual language.”

The cinema programme Fact or Fiction? in Eye – which can also be given in the form of guest lessons in your own classroom – fits seamlessly with the Fact or Fiction? dimension of ckv. Which means that Fact or Fiction? is a very good choice if you wish to cover this area as a teacher.

Image from Champ by Cassandra Offenberg. This short film will be shown within the Fact or Fiction? programme if available.


Handy to know: for the optimum learning experience, the Eye programmes are geared specifically to the pupils’ age, learning level and how they experience the world. A short film is chosen in consultation, and in relation to the filmmaker’s availability.

Je leerlingen voorbereiden op kua examen?

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