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Framing Traces // Research Presentations 1

The Artistic Research Week of the Master of Film takes place from 23 - 28 June at EYE and Grootlab. This year's graduates will present the process and outcomes of their research. They are filmmakers and visual artists from all over the world, working with film. Grouped under the theme of Framing Traces, these 11 graduates will be sharing their cinematic explorations into memory, ethics, family structures and loneliness.

Posterbeeld 9

Whose stories do we tell? By re-appropriating encounters with 'them' through 'I', makers carry direct responsibility for the stories, performances and emotions they got entrusted with. How do you, as a maker, deal with the obligations towards the characters you can no longer refer to as impersonal 'him', 'her' or 'it', but have become a 'you' - familiarized through the encounter, sitting across the table?

Presentations by Lisa-Marie Vlietstra, Daniel Donato and Alex Perry, with extended Q&A: “A Personal Take - Ethics of Double Responsibility”.

Lisa-Marie Vlietstra, Fractal Story Spaces – “”Trust Me, Touch Me, Assume Me””, Research presentation

The Seventh Pain is an imagined “film” about the lives of Leni Tanzer. It will be explored through three expanded cinema performances that question the (ab)use of power in relation to the (ab)use of trust; viewed from different perspectives within different relationships in confrontation with the construction of cinema.

“Can you show me the smell of pain? Can you make me feel pleasure? Can you let me taste it?

Daniel Donato, Looking for the real person

Daniel Donato will elaborate on the research and production process of his film “Hello Cinta Pertamaku.” He questions the authority of himself as a maker, collaborating with his main protagonist Agnes. During this presentation Daniel will show several fragments from the film. Agnes will be present and perform a song from the film live.

Alex Perry

Leading to the extended Q&A on ethics and responsibility, Alex Perry will briefly present his research into the authorship and ethics of appropriation. Weaving together elements of his fiction work and video-journal in this performative presentation, he will lay grounds for the further discussion of his practice and the subject matter.


Danieldonato hellomyfirstlove rgb 02
Alex borrowedtime alex 04
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